7907000103 | sbgreignited@gmail.com


State Team Coordinator


Kamal has almost 10 years of experience in direct selling and building this business as a part timer with the help of SBG.


He was doing a Traditional Business. That time he was aware about SBG & Mi lifestyle Creating a Financial independence through this business. Then he became a part of this business.


By co-incidentally attending a BOP Meeting of SBG that was inspired him to become a Full-timer in Mi lifestyle. He is creating a vision to build a career goal through Mi lifestyle.


Arifa is a certified Vaidya and has very good knowledge about Ayurveda. She has a very good customer network and helps many people how & what products to be used. She has a team even in Andaman Island.


He is building business with passion and has created good success & a good team in a very short period of time. He has spread his business in many states. He has a team with clear focus and working with great vision.


Jeam Khan is a business man & Sharina is an employee. They are Passionate & focused leaders and has team in many areas. Driving the business with a vision in Wellness & Ed-Tech through Midigiworld with a record registrations in Midigiworld.


After his Studies. He got a chance to know about the upcoming future of direct selling industry through SBG. He choose Direct selling as his career start-up & he build his career profession as a Mi lifestyle Full-timer.


He has a traditional business background and was a thorough social worker. He has business upto Lakshadweep islands. he is following powerful goals and great vision.


His Traditional Marketing career Start from Marketing Executive To Marketing Manger. He joined Direct Selling as a part-timer. Now a working as a Full-timer with SBG.


Career started as a Tailor. Then joined with SBG & Mi lifestyle as a part-timer. It changed his life path. Now he is working as a Full-timer and Created a good Team.


I was fully busy with my traditional garments business and joined as a part-timer. when I saw the professionalism of SBG. Today i building business as a proud Mi lifestyle business woman through SBG.


From the Field of photography, he learned the depth of network marketing through SBG and first he was worked as a part-timer in MI lifestyle & Now working as a Full-timer


After His 25 years of film industry & 9 year of used cars sales careers. Then a friend suggested about Direct selling through the help of SBG. Then I realized Mi lifestyle have an opportunity in Future Direct selling. so, I joined as a Full-timer.


Worked as a Butcher in a shop to earn daily living. Started using few Elements products and my wife Shoujath Started selling products during covid times. The day we realized the potential of this business, Took this as a full time career.


From Ex-NRI to a hospital owner, I was searching for Something Extra till I Find SBG & Mi lifestyle. Started as a part-timer For 6 months. Then changed to a Full-Timer.


He already knows about Direct selling industry. SBG helps him to knew about Mi lifestyle have a bright future in future direct Selling industry. He and his wife joined as a Full-timer. He created a good Team under his journey in Mi lifestyle.


They are a Carpenter Family. There Neighbor's introduced about this business through SBG. Then they joined to Mi lifestyle and Choose this as a Career.


Bindu was a sales girl in a supermarket & Krishnan was a Coolie worker. From below average life associated with SBG. Realized the power of Direct Selling and set out as Full timers. Within very short time period cracked STC by achieving a new car. They are a proud example of "From Zero to Hero"


I was a home maker and Husband in Govt. Service in port-Blair. I started using few products and then took its as a Business. We live a very good life. My husband Bikas supports me to be business woman. Thanks SBG for un-conditional Support.

Shameera Musthafa

From a normal house wife to a business woman. From a tamed women to an iron lady in SBG. Faced huge challenges from all sides. Wondering results of products and belief in SBG made her determined.

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